Blockchain-based Hospital Data Integration for Helping in Managing Accelerated Countermeasures for Covid-19

At present, the pandemic is happening and has spread to more than 190 countries. In Indonesia, there have been 24,538 cases with 1,496 deaths. The many cases are occurring in Indonesia led to the addition of patients who had to be hospitalized. The addition of patient data needs to be supported by the existence of a Home Management Information System Pain (SIMRS) is good. With the SIMRS, the hospital will be helped to manage all data relating to the hospital. But, SIMRS at-home pain that exists today only uses a centralized database and is not integrated with other hospitals. With the current system, monitoring patient data COVID-19 by the government must still be done partially by checking each hospital’s website. In addition, data storage is centralized will be more vulnerable to hacking which can result in data loss relating to hospitals in large numbers.

This research is urgent to do with the aim to improve and developing a system that already exists today to provide a safer system and support decision making and patient handling faster. The system that will be built which is a blockchain-based Hospital Management Information System as data storage. In addition, using blockchain will facilitate the integration of data from a variety of hospitals incorporated in the blockchain network. With the creation of this system is expected to provide a breakthrough new to the security and speed of SIMRS. This system is also expected to be a forerunner will be integrated data security between hospitals and the central government easier to monitor patient data and hospital referral patient needs COVID-19.

This research is funding by Program Konsorsium Riset dan Inovasi COVID-19 2020 from the Ministry of Research and Technology / National Research and Innovation Agency Republic of Indonesia and LPDP. The research partner is BPPT (Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi). The info can see here :